A flexible die cannot be used as a stand-alone tool. It must be mounted on a magnetic cylinder or magnetic foundation corresponding to the unwinding length. As a rule, it is fixed to the tool carrier solely by the magnetic force. An essential prerequisite for the required adhesive force is the excellent permeability of the material used by K+B for the base plates from which the flexible die is made. The great advantage for the customer, when choosing a flexible die, is the quick availability. With this type of tool, only a small amount of material must be removed to form the cutting edge. As a flexible die is made from less material it can be produced in a cost-effective manner, can be shipped at a lower cost, and requires less storage space. Depending on the requirements, flexible dies can be coated or hardened on the cutting-edge. The height of the cutting edge can be manufactured to up to 0.8 mm, depending on the gap dimension of the magnetic cylinder. Also, depending on the height of the cutting edge, very closely spaced and complicated cutting contours are possible. Due to the standard feed line of K+B magnetic cylinders, precise positioning of the flexible die is possible in a short time, facilitating a quick and efficient set up time. Our effective etching process and the subsequent finishing on CNC milling machines ensures K+B flexible dies are available on a fast-track basis, and our local production ensures fast delivery times. By using various high-alloy tool steels (also HSS or powder steel), K+B cutting cylinders are excellent for difficult to cut materials, such as non-woven fabric or highly abrasive materials. This high hardness and toughness ensures an extraordinarily high running performance, even with demanding substrates. Depending on wear, multiple resharpening of the cylinder is possible and by machining the cutting contour directly onto the cylinder, a highly accurate positioning of the contour to the cylinder axis is guaranteed. K+B cutting cylinders can be coated according to requirements and can be offered with mechanical ejectors or suction and/or blow-out holes. Due to our manufacturing process and the design as a solid turned part, very large cutting-edge heights can be produced. In addition, pockets can be milled into the cutting-edge contours if required. Whatever your requirements, let us advise you. This way, you can be sure that K+B will supply you with the optimum tool for your job! Your Questions, Answered
What are the benefits of choosing either a flexible die or a solid tool?
Let us start with flexible dies.
So, what are the benefits of using a solid tool?